“It (pedestrianized West Pearl) has attracted a wonderful diversity of users: some to visit the eclectic set of restaurants, cafes, and retailers between 9th and 11th Streets, and some simply to bask in the uniqueness of a free-form downtown space that’s solely for humans. The need for this sort of space extends beyond the pandemic. This pedestrian space is about as cool as it gets in our city.

— Kurt Nordback, Campaign Committee Chair

“West Pearl has sparked a new conversation around the untapped potential for our public streets and spaces. It is a community gathering place that supports the city’s movement towards…improving safety, and propelling climate action…it is a space that invites people of many demographics - shoppers and otherwise - to enjoy a wider public sphere…We have heard overwhelmingly in public comments that car-free West Pearl is a breath of life for Boulder and residents hope the city will further develop such spaces.”

— Boulder’s Transportation Advisory Board Report

“In 1.5 years on Boulder’s Transportation Advisory Board, I’ve heard ~200 agenda items. I’ve never seen anything close to the groundswell of new faces coming to support us for keeping cars out of West Pearl.”

— Council Member Ryan Schuchard

“Hey Boulder, let’s never give up West Pearl to cars again, even once this COVID crisis is over.”

— Community Member Vikas Reddy

“One thing I am going to be looking for is more car-free opportunities for West Pearl, (the two-block closure during the pandemic) was a nearly universally beloved experience by the community,”

— Mayor Aaron Brockett

“Boulder needs a band stage on the Pearl west end. Right in the middle of the 10th street intersection.”

— Community Member S. from Boulder

“…during the pandemic (which continues), we closed two blocks of West Pearl. Yay! Even without doing anything to make the streets fun or shaded, we all discovered what it was like not to hear the roar and hum and smell the belch of buses, trucks, and cars (parked cars pollute, too). We discovered the simple joy of sitting and dining and walking and biking on the downtown streets of our own city.”

— Community Member Waylon Lewis

“Happy Pride Month! This beautiful crosswalk can be found on West Pearl.”

— Downtown Boulder Partnership

“Let’s never give West Pearl back to cars.”

— Community Member Jonathan Woodard

“Sunset West End of Pearl St. Mall, so nice without cars; lots of people out for Fall Fest.”

— Community Member Jan from Boulder

“Hey Boulder, vote for public spaces downtown. Wouldn’t it be great if West Pearl was open to walking scooting, and dining again instead of exhaust fumes?”

— Community Member Bekah from Boulder

“Boulder, keep west Pearl open to people and do more of this everywhere…”

— Community Member Ryan Welsh

“If Boulder does in fact close west pearl to people & fail to continue expanding the pedestrian core of the city, then we abandon officially caring about climate, economics, health, or joy.”

— Community Member Beth Hartman

“Boulder made the unfortunate decision to open West Pearl street to cars. It had been a beautiful pedestrian plaza for two years, one of the silver linings of Covid.

This is what is looks like today. Next to that is what it looked like when it was alive.

— Community Member Harry Surden

“Imagine if City of Boulder staff said ‘we’re closing this lovely public space that thousands of people, kids, and dogs have enjoyed because we believe that cars and business interests are more important than people.’… that is exactly what staff is advocating for on west Pearl.”

— Community Member Chelsea Castellano

“This is a terrible outcome for Boulder. The last thing we need is more cars downtown.

— Community Member Dan Seaton

“I’m going to miss a car free west pearl.”

— Community Member Andrew Hyde

“First morning that west Pearl is open to car traffic since 2020. Street used to be lined with lively cafe and restaurant seating - now just parking.

Enormous failure by (the city of) Boulder.”

— Community Member Tony Straub

“Look what we lost! Let’s work together to take it back,”

— Community Member Ryan B

“We used to go to West Pearl once or twice a week, but since Boulder gave it back to cars we almost never go. Sad to see business after business shut down in this once vibrant and busy stretch of Pearl.”

— Community Member Lisa Sweeney-Miran

“…we certainly have every authority…to (end pedestrianized West Pearl) without getting (council’s) opinion.”

— Interim Community Vitality Department Director Cris Jones

“As a decision maker, I feel a bit leap-frogged,”

— Mayor Pro Tem Rachel Friend

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