Pearl for You

Fall in love all over again.

What is Pearl for You?

In 2020, the City of Boulder engaged in an exciting, community-focused experiment: we opened West Pearl to people across our city, and invited them to come dine, play, shop, and gather. The design was simple and inviting, and all were welcome (including our four-legged family members) to spend time enjoying our beautiful city in a new and vibrant way.

The West Pearl experiment was brought to an administrative end despite the widespread love and support that was expressed across the city. It is clear the beauty of West Pearl should never have been shut down.

We ask you to join us in signing your name to our petition to put the return of the West Pearl community space on your 2025 ballot.

Sign the Petition to Rediscover West Pearl

City of Boulder West Pearl Ballot Language: Shall the City of Boulder create a community space on Pearl Street between 9th and 11th Streets and on the adjoining section of 10th Street (from Pearl Street to Morrison Alley) to support public use, outdoor dining, and street activations including art installations, green spaces, and community activities, by closing it to private vehicular traffic, and by implementing appropriate measures to ensure commercial vehicle access to businesses as well as access for emergency services and persons with disabilities?

Rediscover the Experience

Dine like you’re on the streets of Europe, without leaving home.

Rediscover the Freedom

Use the space to meet your needs.

Rediscover the Fun

Laugh, experiment, create, and enjoy.

Rediscover the Community

Celebrate with family, friends, and neighbors in the heart of downtown.

Fall in love all over again.

This is Pearl for You.